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Catalina Flores Garza


CCatalina Flores Garza has a Law Degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana of Mexico City; throughout her academic journey, she was interested in various law matters, such as human rights, administrative, environmental and international public law.

As a result of that, she carried out the course “Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice” through HarvardX and has a recognition by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey for the impartation of the conference “The Law as Woman’s Ally”; she also carried out her social service at CAVAC, A.C., an international human rights clinic.

Before becoming part of the firm, she introduced herself into the professional field at Holland & Knight, where she specialized in the Capital Markets and Real Estate area, where she learnt about the Infrastructure and Real Estate Trusts (FIBRAS) and where she developed different abilities such as analytic criteria applied to the review of lease and purchase agreements and efficiency when it came to develop due diligence related to those agreements and the legislation applicable in different criteria.

Nowadays she is currently focusing on environmental advisory in the firm, intervening in different audits, the creation of legal opinions, communications with the authority, and/or administrative procedures, all of the above related to environmental impact, hazardous waste, change of land use, atmospheric emissions, among others.

She obtained an IELTS english certification from the British Council and the University of Cambridge, held in Mexico City, as well as a B2 DELF-DALF French certification carried out by the “Alliance Française” of Mexico.

Additional Info

Email: catalinaflores@hcambiental.com

Phone: (5255) 52 51 0775