Climate Change


he Firm has a vast experience in the design of Climate Change related Projects, advising our clients through the scheme of Carbon Credit related proceedings in Mexico, including the review and negotiations with the corresponding entity. We offer legal advice regarding the viability, requirements and legal obligations related to the Kyoto Protocol, Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM), Carbon Emissions Trading, Certified Emission Reductions (CER) and Verified Emission Reductions (VER) in Mexico.

The Firm provides assessment in the adequate selection of approved methodologies or in the creation of ad hoc ones for CDMs, in order to obtain qualifications and approval from the Mexican Intersecretarial Commission on Climate Change and from the Executive Board of the United Nations. The Firm works in coordination with Consulters and Brokers for the international trade market of CERs and VERs, advising our clients in the local applicable provisions for the preparation of Project Idea Notes (PIN), Project Design Documents (PDD) and letters of approval issued from the local Environmental Authorities.

We carry out negotiations with local and international funds and organisms, with the purpose of financing Climate Change Projects in Mexico.