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The Firm was responsible for the first revocation of an illegal injunction imposed in one of the most important mines of the Country. We have stood against illegal acts of authority seeking to impose sanctions and closures to perfectly viable projects. Furthermore, the Firm currently leads the most complex cases in mining matters in Veracruz, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, La Paz- Baja California Sur, Cuernavaca-Morelos, Chihuahua, Sonora, among others.


Our founding Partner has actively participated in the Mexican Academy of Energy Law (AMDE) as a means to contribute to the decisions being made in energy legislative matters; as former President and Treasurer, and current Vocal. The Firm elaborates pre-feasibility assessments in order to determine the legal and technical viability of projects.


The Firm has presence all over the Country in places such as La Rumorosa- Baja California, Oaxaca and Veracruz with wind projects; and in Chiapas with hydroelectric projects.

Oil & Gas

As former PEMEX's environmental internal advisor, our partner has a vast experience in the field. The Cadereyta's Refinery Reconversion, the Azcapotzalco's Refinery clean-up and the quantification of the historic Pemex environmental damages are good examples of our experience.

Furthermore, the Firm has advised the most important private companies during the implementation of their contracts with Pemex. Such as oil exploration and drilling companies for the understanding of the Mexican environmental liability scheme vs Pemex past liabilities.

For the gas industry, the Firm has designed integrated environmental strategies for gas companies in order to: i) Enhace their companie's environmental compliance status, ii) Respond to accidents and to determine environmental liabilities, and iii) implement the most efficient ways to comply with environmental Federal, State and Municipal permits. Regarding LNG Projects we are the first Firm to be able to obtain environmental permits for the first LNG Project in Altamira, Tamaulipas.

Power Generation

The Firm has participated as an environmental advisors for the most important powergeneration cases in Altamira, Veracruz, Campeche, Nuevo León, Chihuahua; among others.


The Firm has assessed mobile wastewater treatment plants that generate biofuels, regarding the series of permits, authorizations, concessions and licenses required for their storage and transportation.

Enviromental Impact

The Firm has worked hand in hand with companies in many different environmental areas in the preparation of integral environmental impact statements, accounting for the complexity of the region, land use regulations and natural protected areas present in the territory, water scarcity, indigenous communities present. On that manner, we can refer to exemplary environmental impact statements corresponding to mining projects in Baja California Sur, wind projects in Oaxaca, to mention some.

High Risk Activities

The Firm has provided advice in the elaboration of risk studies and accident preventive programs, as well as their implementation in case of accidents, in various States like Puebla, San Luis Potosí and Oaxaca.


We have collaborated with some of the most important mexican industries, providing them regularization strategies in water permitting and pollution matters.

The Firm assessed the most important water treatment plant in the Country, located in Atotonilco.

Atmospheric Emissions

The Firm has engaged in trials due to the illegal imposition of sanction deriving from inexact classifications, regarding the jurisdiction applicable to different sectors in the industry, causing severe damages in operation stages.

Hazardous, Special Management and Urban-Solid Waste

The Firm has elaborated comprehensive strategies for waste management, and for the reduction of liability risk deriving from its management.

Site Contamination and Remediation

Having clients in many different sectors, ranging from the industrial sector to the mining one, we have acquired knowledge in the different methods that apply best each case, to ensure the most complete remediation results.

Response Actions in Case of Emergency

The Firm has elaborated and delivered immediate advice in order to react before any accident, reducing risk of collateral damages.

We have ensured a quick and swift collaboration between the companies and the Authorities, in States such as Puebla, Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí.

Land Use

The Firm has elaborated and We have provided legal counsel to some of the most complex projects in the Country in mining matters which, given their location and the need to face an overlap of different rulings, such as Urban Development Plans, Natural Protected Areas’ decrees, etc., have faced ongoing challenges and the need of integral approaches.
Examples can be quoted in La Paz- Baja California Sur and San Luis Potosí.

Federal Land Maritime Zone

We have assisted some of the most important hoteling developments that involve a series of permits and works in Federal Land Maritime Zone Matters in Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Careyes (Nayarit), Puerto Peñascos, Huatulco, Veracruz, and Cancún, ensuring that the coastal areas are preserved.

Urban Development

The Firm has assessed several Municipalities in the development of their development plans, suitable to the economic activities of the areas.

Tourism and Hospitality

The demand in the tourism and hospitality sector in the Country led the Firm to open offices in Quintana Roo.
We have assisted some of the most important hoteling developments in Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Careyes (Nayarit), Puerto Peñascos, Huatulco, Veracruz, and Cancún, ensuring that the coastal areas are preserved.

Climate Change

The emission of the General Law of Climate Change has given the Firm the opportunity to engage in new and challenging projects that are only adapting to the changes in the legislation.

Carbon Credits

We have provided advice to companies in complex carbon credit property cases, in light at the increase in their demand seen in the country.

Project Financing

An environmental conservationist policy throughout the World has inclined financing policies to become more stringent, reaching Mexican banks.
The Country has had to integrate such policy and financing scheme, providing the Firm with the opportunity to create chapters of environmental-financial clauses, representing the banks pioneers in the sector.

Law, Regulations and Mexican Official Standards’ Elaboration

The first transversal environmental law for the State of Tamaulipas in 2007 is an example, as well as the project of the Morelos Environmental Code, unique in its kind, which contains the most advanced environmental criteria and institutions.

Permits, Authorizations, Concessions and Licenses

The Firm has been responsible for obtaining environmental impact authorizations for mining projects, even after their previous authorizations had been declared null.

Conditions and Terms Compliance

The Firm has assisted companies with overwhelming environmental governance requirements in their regularization, obtaining full compliance in their legal obligations.

Due Diligence Procedures

The Firm has carried out more than 300 audits in many different states of the Country.
The regime of environmental liability recently introduced in the Mexican Legal System as per the entry into force of the Federal Law of Environmental Liability is a new factor to bear in mind by companies, which are referred to throughout the due diligence procedures.

Integral and Comprehensive Strategies

The Firm has had the capacity to foresee the requirements and potential contingencies of large projects, preparing before-hand comprehensive and integral strategies accounting for legal, political, social and cultural factors that neglected, could represent project breaking points.

Social-Environmental Factors

The Firm has participated and assisted companies in important public hearings and assemblies, having had to mediate between NGO’s, local and indigenous communities and detractors.

Reports and Opinions

The Firm has prepared reports for all types of projects and addressing all types of requirements, including an integral interpretation and analysis of all the legal provisions and official writings that apply; offering our clients alternative routes and actions to follow, in order to preserve their interests.

Site Selection and Diagnoses

The Firm has travelled throughout the Country, carrying out field visits in order to determine the viability of projects, in light of their requirements.

Mergers & Acquisitions

The Firm has successfully managed to limit the environmental liability deriving from this type of transactions at an international scale.
It has also declared the existence of deal breakers, caused by environmental incompliances and red flags; preventing the completion of risky mergers in our clients’ best interests.

Administrative Proceedings, remedies of appeal, Nullity Trials, Amparo Trials, Civil and Criminal Liability, State Responsibility, Class Actions.

The Firm has strategic alliances with Arámburu, Saldívar & Vázquez in matters of Amparo Trials, offering conjunct strategies to challenge illegal acts.
The Firm was responsible for obtaining the first revocation in the Country of an illegal injunction imposed by Environmental Authorities, to a mine.

Mediation and ADR Negotiation

A well planned and comprehensive approach with NGO’s during the execution of environmental projects is essential in order to mediate and preserve their interests in an integral manner.
Examples of the mediation actions that the Firm has carried out, we can state projects in Los Cabos and La Paz.


We have participated in the most complex arbitral cases in Mexico.


We have participated in the most specialized training programs in Mexico.


We have participated in the most complex lobbying cases in Mexico.