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David González Vega Gutiérrez

David González Vega Gutiérrez has a degree in Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico ("UNAM"); throughout his studies, he showed interest in the areas of Environmental Law, Agrarian, Constitutional, Indigenous, and Human Rights, participating independently in matters that set important precedents for gender equality, non-discrimination, minority rights and autonomy of the State-level Ombudsman, which reached the highest national Courts, and even the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights.

He entered the firm at the beginning of 2013, where he has participated in the area of litigation, specifically in various administrative, nullity and amparo proceedings; while in the field of consultancy, he has intervened in important opinions, audits, procedures for obtaining authorizations, concessions and certifications of the three levels of government, as well as in the development of the first indigenous consultation manual, all of this related to the industry of mining, tourism, energy and transformation, in sectors such as environmental impact, hazardous waste, highly risk activities, change of land use in forest lands, among others.

He also obtained a diploma from the “Escuela Libre de Derecho” for completing the programme "Law of Energy", and is currently a student of the "Master of Environmental Law and Public Policy", at the University of the Environment.

Additional Info

Email: dgonzalez@hcambiental.com

Phone: (5255) 52 51 0775