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  • David González Vega Gutiérrez

David Salgado López

David Salgado López graduated from the Universidad Anahuac México Norte, being his main areas of interest Amparo, Administrative and Constitutional law.

Before joining the firm, he worked in a specialized law firm in mineral law, advising mostly foreign companies in several exploration and extraction operations of minerals, after that he joined to one of the most important companies in the telecommunications sector in the world, and was in charge of the deployment project of fiber optic across the country.

Nowadays his professional practice is focused, in advising energy, mining and real estate companies in national waters, environmental impact, emissions, waste, climate change, and natural resources matters, as well as litigation in Administrative Proceedings, Nullity trials and Amparo trials.

In addition, he has a diploma in Agreements Law from the Universidad Iberoamericana and in Energy Law from the Escuela Libre de Derecho.

Additional Info

Email: dsalgado@hcambiental.com

Phone: (5255) 52 51 0775