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Gabriela Espir González

Gabriela Espir González has a Law Degree from the Universidad Panamericana of Mexico City; throughout her academic career, she showed interest in various areas of law, including civil, administrative litigation, constitutional, and environmental.

Before joining our firm, Gabriela worked in Notary 183 and 81 of Mexico City, as well as the Federal Attorney’s Office of Environmental Protection in the General Directorate of Administrative Procedures and Consultations; in said directorate, she dedicated to the analysis of revision appeals, and the emission of Resolutions in matters regarding the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone, Forestry, Environmental Impact, Wildlife, and Marine Resources.

Gabriela obtained a diploma from New York University (“NYU”) for completing the program “Essentials of US International Tax Law”, as well as the “Seminar on Matters of International Taxation”, from the Master in Fiscal Law of the Universidad Panamericana; additionally, she studied a semester in the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci in Florence, Italy, where she focused on art history, especially The Renaissance.

She is fluent in Spanish, English, French, and Italian

Additional Info

Email: gespir@hcambiental.com

Phone: (5255) 52 51 0775