Proceedings and Trials


dministrative Proceedings, remedies of appeal, Nullity Trials, Amparo Trials, Civil and Criminal Liability, State Responsibility, Class Actions.

The Firm is expert in matters of administrative proceedings arising from inspection and verification visits; in civil and criminal proceedings as well as the newly implemented class actions. It also has a wide experience in State Responsibility trials for damages caused.

We have a vast experience in Nullity Trials filed before the Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Justice against administrative resolutions issued by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency or the National Water Commission, at the Federal; without exception of the correlative procedures carried out at the local.

We also represent our clients in Amparo Trials against acts issued by the Authorities aforementioned; the Firm provides legal advice and follows up on international procedures filed before the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in the NAFTA or any other trade agreements to promote the effective enforcement of environmental law, including cross-border pollution between Mexico and USA.